September 2015


The 2015-2016 year of the La Palma-Cerritos branch of AAUW has been launched. Our mission this year, as it is every year is to protect and assist women and girls. We want them to be that best that they can be. Our prayers are with them but our funds are very important.

Barbara Atherton and Barbara Dunstan are all ready at work on a major fund raiser – the Fashion Show, Luncheon and Silent Auction to be held on November 21. The event will benefit our local scholarships. The theme is “WOMEN ARE SUPER HEROES.” (We already knew that)
Carol Marsh and her committee are finding people and organizations that are willing to help us with the silent auction items. We do the Fashion Show every other year and this is the year. We all need to help. Tickets are available for us to sell to our friends and neighbors.

Our next board meeting will be on September 3. If you have issues that you would like to “bring up”let me know. All members are welcome to attend the monthly board meeting.

Our general meeting on September 17 will be a potluck. We will learn more about the AAUW and will have a chance to sign-up for an interest group. See you there at 6:30 for fellowship, food, and enlightenment.

Meeting/Program, Mary Ann & Nancy

Thursday, September 17
Cerritos Park East
6:30 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Program
Meeting to Follow

The Sept. 17th meeting will be our annual “Welcome back to AAUW”. Each member will bring a salad, main dish, or dessert, etc. to share at the Pot Luck. Guests do not need to bring anything and are encouraged to come. Please arrive by 6:30 pm to share your dish & eat before the meeting begins at 7PM. Remember to bring your own drinks.
Board members will present information on their role in AAUW & plans for the coming year. Interest Group leaders will explain their specific activity & have a sign-up sheet for members who would like to join. Please attend this exciting event. Share some history of AAUW and the Women’s Movement.

Part of our community service this Summer and Fall will be to save up all those free toiletries you get from your hotel stays on vacation. We will be needing those little soaps, bottles of shampoo, conditioner, hand cream, toothpaste, dental floss, toothbrushes, combs, and whatever other toiletries you can scrounge up to put into the goody bags we’ll be making in November. We will be donating them to a local needy organization. Just think of all the smiles we’ll be making!

October meeting is “Women and STEM, Panel of instructors from Cerritos College”. Please send any questions you may have for them directly to Nancy by September 30.

Membership, Sue S and Barbara S

Our Annual picnic was well attended -lots of good food -good company and several guests who are seriously considering joining our branch. Please be part of our group effort and make these new ladies feel welcome -invite them to sit with you etc.
Don’t forget to check the AAUW website as there are some very nice member benefits such as discounts, where to find the best price on medication. We all have some different interests and needs so check it out and find what is best for you.
Breakfast Club meets on the fourth (4th) Wednesday or Thursday. This month it will be on Wednesday – date not set yet and location is subject to change. Currently we have been meeting at Marie Callendar’s in Buena Park on Orangethorpe near Valley View. E-mails will be sent out each month with the location, date and time – please make sure that we have your current e-mail address or give me a call if you didn’t receive any communication for that month.

Local Scholarship-Fashion Show, Barbara D

MARK ON YOUR CALENDAR Nov.21, 2015 the date for our Fashion Show “Women Are Super Heroes” at the Cerritos Sheraton Hotel. Every member is asked to sell 2 tickets and contact local businesses for donations. Items are also needed to make the baskets including but not limited to books, wine, wine glasses, teapots, mugs, picture frames, cosmetics, toys, gift cards, jewelry, CDs, DVDs, holiday items, etc. Volunteers are needed to oversee the Silent Auction items including the set up on the day of the event and distributing the items when the auction is completed, registration & seating of guests, table decorations set up, etc. Donations will be accepted from anyone who would like to help financially. This is a BIG event and requires everyone to work to raise the funds for the Local Scholarships. Please contact Barbara Dunstan to say how you plan to help with this event.

On 7/25/15 Marilyn sent a copy of the Fashion Show flier to all members and I suggested ways to market your tickets. On Friday, Sept. 18th at 10:30 am we will begin to make our baskets for the Silent Auction & Opportunity drawing. All members are encouraged to help by providing items for the baskets such as: toiletries, jewelry, wine, DVDs, CDs, holiday items, gift ware, toys, gift cards, etc. All are also invited to help assemble the baskets and/or donate money for supplies. Contact Barbara Dunstan if you have items to share or questions.
Thank you in advance for making the Fashion Show a success.

Note from Carol:
I have volunteered to run the Opportunity Drawing. It’s time to start thinking about donations for the Opportunity Drawing and the Silent Auction for the Fashion Show. I would appreciate it if you would contact the people that donated to you last year. I will also be writing all of the thank you notes for the donations, so please give me the information as soon as you are given a donation. I will also be contacting all of the people that gave me donations last year. New donors would also be welcome. If we all work on this together we can make it even more successful than last time. You are a great team and I appreciate all of your help.