November 2024
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Hi everyone,
My trip to France was wonderful and I was surprised that no one asked me about politics. Now I’m home and attended the AAUW meeting with Margo Reeg explaining the LA Co and state propositions and giving the names of the supporters and opponents. Now we all have to get out and vote.
November we will be hearing a speaker who has a lot of knowledge about the LGBTQ community. Please come to the November 21 meeting to support her and learn about the issues. We will be meeting at the Cabrillo Lane Adult school for this meeting and all the rest for the year.
Please bring your donations for Falcon’s Nest to the November meeting. According to the latest needs list they are low on: Shampoo and Conditioner(Full or travel size, deodorant, body soap, lotion, toothpaste, feminine hygiene pads and tampons, hair brushes/combs, razors, and shave gel. Joan Pylman has graciously volunteered to deliver whatever we bring.
Lastly, mark your calendars for the Holiday party and the Niederman’s on December 14 at 7-10 P.M. A dessert or appetizer is the entry and if you want liquor BYOB.
See you in November.
Your Administrator Harriet 💐🪻🌷
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Meeting & Program
Thursday 21st, Social Time: 6:30 PM
Meeting: 7:00PM, Cabrillo Lane Adult School, Cerritos,
For our AAUW November Program we have invited Laura Ticho, ACSW, who is the DIrector of Support & Wellness for J-Queer International, a Jewish non-profit organization that provides inclusive support and resources to the LGBTQ+ community. Both AAUW and J-Queer International support Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity issues. We hope this program will be intellectually stimulating and informative. Ms. Ticho will help us to learn and understand the contemporary issues surrounding the LGBTQ+ community and include terminology and the meaning of pronouns. Because AAUW supports girl’s development with programs like Tech Trek, we have asked Ms. Ticho to help us to understand and enlighten us regarding the contemporary formative identity challenges that some girls may face today.
After listening to Ms. Ticho, we hope you will have greater insight and understanding of the LGBTQ+ community and some girl’s personal struggles with their identities.
Board and general meetings are in-person with due respect to members who cannot attend in-person. Those members may choose to easily attend and participate in meetings by connecting via phone to another member in attendance.
Please welcome and support your new officers. Remember that their job is to lead and encourage other members. Please offer to help them when they ask.
Future meetings will be:
Place: Cabrillo Lane Adult School Auditorium
20122 Cabrillo Lane, Cerritos
Select HERE for map
Gourmet Group, Joan
Gourmet Group is continuing for next year. We are currently full and will be accepting substitute members only. If you are interested, as a couple, or in joining us as a sub please let me know and I will put you on the list. We will be meeting 4 times this year: October, January, and March, the third Saturday of the month, except May which will be a brunch for the entire Gourmet Group. The date is to be determined.
(562) 860-0642- home
(562) 965-7902- cell
This coming year we will be reading plays on the first Thursday of the Month at 6:45 pm starting in October. If Monday’s did not work for you and you are interested in joining us, we welcome new thespians to the group.
The following is a list of the plays for the coming year:
TIME OF MY LIFE by Alan Ayckbourne
MARJORIE PRIME by Jordan Harrison
PLAY ON by Rick Abbot
THE CONSTANT WIFE by Somerset Maugham
LUNCH HOUR by Jean Kerr
APPROPRIATE by Branden Jenkins
THE LITTLE FOXES by Lillian Helman
Our book group meets to discuss a new book every month. Book schedule is posted HERE. Please contact Thea and join us at any time.
Membership, Saurabh & Joan P
We are looking forward to taking care of services for current membership. In order to increase membership for our branch, we request all members to bring one friend to our meetings. Please welcome our new member, Ferne, at the meeting. Thank you.
Download AAUW Membership Application
Public Policy, Sondra
Check HERE for the latest Public Policy News
Check out our Public Policy Page on the AAUW California Website. You can read our current 2023-2025 Public Policy Priorities which can be viewed here: 2023 – 2025 Public Policy Priorities (PPP) – AAUW California. Find information on the Legislative Agenda, Lobby Days, Legislative Calendar and Coalitions with other organizations. You can also learn the latest about the School Board Project!
Academic Achievement Awards, Joan P
Karissa has checked in with proof of enrollment – check issued 10/4.
Karissa, is a 26-year-old “Re-entry student,” who maintained a 4.0 GPA while completing five Associate of Art degrees in Mental Health and Behavior Sciences at Cerritos College. She plans to work on a double major in Psychology and Sociology, complete requirements for a Master’s degree in Clinical Therapy or Marriage and Family Therapy, and become a children’s therapist for foster children. She was a member of Phi Beta Honor Society. Karissa supports herself by working as a babysitter but still found time to volunteer as a tutor and worship leader at her church.
Paola, is a 19-year-old “Transfer student,” and is a first-generation Hispanic woman seeking a STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) career. She had a 3.56 GPA at Cerritos College with a major in Aerospace Engineering. She was a member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and a member of MESA (Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement) program, and NCAS (NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars) program, in which she competed in their Engineering Design Challenge. She was a past Chief of Staff of ASCC (Associated Students of Cerritos College).
For more information about the Academic Achievement Awards at Cerritos College, contact Awards Chairperson Joan Pylman at 562-865-6592.
Women Supporting Women. It is a beautiful thing.
Su Casa, Falcon’s Nest, Joan Pylman
Thank you for your support and generosity. La Palma Cerritos AAUW cares for women, but we will no longer be supporting Su Casa, as their guidelines have changed and they are not accepting physical donations of any kind.
We are now supporting Cerritos College Falcon’s Nest, with personal items and sundries, large and small.