September 2024

September 2024

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Well Hello everyone. We’re getting close to the first meeting date for our AAUW meeting on September 19th at Heritage Park. We’ll be meeting earlier this month which will work out well since we’re going to be tasting everyone’s pot luck dish.

Remember when you were in elementary school coming back after summer vacation and had to write an essay on “What I did on my Summer Vacation”? I hope you all have great stories to tell and I promise, as Administrator, I will not grade anyone on grammar or content.

I’m looking forward to an interesting and fun year. I would love to support the Cerritos College store, Falcon’s Nest, with items of need by the women. If you agree, I will have a list of the items in most need and hopefully we can start collecting in October.

See you on the 19th at 5:00P.M.

Your Administrator Harriet  💐🪻🌷
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Meeting & Program, Celia

Thursday, September 19 Potluck Time:  5:00 PM
Meeting:  6 PM, 18600 Bloomfield Ave, Cerritos,

Our branch kickoff meeting will be on Thursday, September 19, in the building at Heritage Park,18600 Bloomfield Ave, Cerritos, .  (This is where we have had a number of branch planning meetings in recent years.)  We will start at 5:00 p.m., earlier than usual due to facility time constraints.  As usual, we will have a potluck and this year would like it to have an international theme.  Please bring an appetizer, salad (veggies or fruit), main course item (probably to serve eight) or a dessert.

After dinner, various branch members will talk about plans for the coming year and you will be able to sign up for interest groups.  Like last year, we will ask for volunteers to do some of the jobs previously done by elected board members, specifically for Program, Membership and Fund.  You will find out where help is needed, usually for just one meeting or event, and hopefully will volunteer to help.  We need everyone to do a little bit so that our branch can continue to exist.

Board and general meetings are in-person with due respect to members who cannot attend in-person.  Those members may choose to easily attend and participate in meetings by connecting via phone to another member in attendance.

Please welcome and support your new officers.  Remember that their job is to lead and encourage other members.  Please offer to help them when they ask.

Future meetings will be:
Place: Cabrillo Lane Adult School Auditorium
20122 Cabrillo Lane, Cerritos
Select HERE for map

Gourmet Group

Gourmet Group is continuing for next year. We are currently full and will be accepting substitute members only. If you are interested, as a couple, or in joining us as a sub please let me know and I will put you on the list. We will be meeting 4 times this year: October, January,  and March, the third Saturday of the month, except May which will be a brunch for the entire Gourmet Group. The date is to be determined.

(562) 860-0642- home
(562) 965-7902- cell


This coming year we will be reading plays on the first Thursday of the Month at 6:45 pm starting in October.  If Monday’s did not work for you and you are interested in joining us, we welcome new thespians to the group.

The following is a list of the plays for the coming year:
MARJORIE PRIME   by   Jordan Harrison
PLAY ON    by    Rick Abbot
THE CONSTANT WIFE   by   Somerset Maugham
MORNINGS AT SEVEN   by   Paul Osborn
LUNCH HOUR   by   Jean Kerr
APPROPRIATE   by   Branden Jenkins
THE LITTLE  FOXES   by   Lillian Helman
Additional Play to be decided

Sign up at the September meeting.
Esther Aronson


Membership, Saurabh & Jackie

We are looking forward to taking care of services for current membership. In order to increase membership for our branch, we request all members to bring one friend to our meetings. Please welcome our new member, Ferne, at the meeting. Thank you.

Download our Branch Brochure

Download AAUW Membership Application


Our first fundraiser for the year has been scheduled for Hof’s Hut, Seal Beach, on October 26th, all day.  Info and the flyer is here.  You can print it out or just show it at the restaurant on your phone or tablet.

Public Policy, Sondra

Check HERE for May Public Policy News

Check out our Public Policy Page on the AAUW California Website. You can read our current 2023-2025 Public Policy Priorities which can be viewed here: 2023 – 2025 Public Policy Priorities (PPP) – AAUW California. Find information on the Legislative Agenda, Lobby Days, Legislative Calendar and Coalitions with other organizations. You can also learn the latest about the School Board Project!