LaPalma-Cerritos AAUW Administrator, Treasurer and Secretary
La Palma-Cerritos AAUW
Board Meeting Minutes
September 5, 2024
- Call to Order
Administrator Harriet Moses called the informal meeting to order at the Black Bear Diner in Buena Park at 12:30pm.
Attendance: Harriet Moses, Celia Spitzer, Chris Taxier
*Marilyn Forsstrom was on call in case we had questions about the treasurer’s reports sent prior to this meeting. She was out of town.
- The Minutes for the May 16, 2024 General Meeting were distributed to the other board members. We did not have a board meeting in May. The May General Meeting Minutes included our branch planning meeting information for 2024-2025 as well as the list of the new branch officers and interest group chairs.
- The Annual Branch Budget for 2024-25 and the Treasure’s Reports dated June 30, 2024 were submitted.
General Account $9,804.12
Fund Account $1,747.92
- Business Meeting
We discussed the upcoming General Meeting which will be held at Heritage Park on September 19. The kick-off meeting and potluck will begin at 5:00pm and end at 7:00pm. Celia has arranged the table setup at the site. Descriptions of branch leadership roles and interest groups will be provided. Members will have the opportunity to sign up for the various interest groups. The rest of the general meetings for 2024-2025 will be held at the auditorium of the ABC Unified School District Cabrillo Lane Adult School site. Celia has reserved the site for our future meetings.
The October General Meeting will be on October 19. Harriet will lead the meeting. She has arranged for the League of Women Voters to talk to us about the ballot measures in the November Election.
The November General Meeting will be on November 16. Esther Aronson will lead the meeting. She will be arranging a speaker on LGBTQ issues.
Chris asked if reminder emails about the potluck at our September General Meeting will be sent out to the members. Harriet said that she would follow-up on those reminders and make sure that our Telephone Tree (Sue Carruthers and Pat McClelland) would phone those who were on the “Call List”.
- Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 2:00pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Taxier, Secretary
Note: These minutes have not yet been approved.
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La Palma-Cerritos AAUW
General Meeting Minutes
October 17, 2024
- Call to order
Administrator Harriet Moses called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm in the auditorium at the ABCUSD Adult School Cabrillo Lane site. She then introduced the program speaker Margo Reeg, president of the LA County League of Women Voters. Ms. Reeg presented information about the three LA County Ballot measures (A, E and G) and some of the State measures (33, 34, 35 and 36). She also answered questions from the members regarding the measures.
Attendance: 24 (19 members, 4 guests and the speaker)
- Business Meeting began at 8:15. Harriet recognized the birthdays of AAUW members for October..
Minutes for the September 19 General Meeting were distributed. Celia moved to accept them as submitted and Marilyn seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Treasurer’s Report dated September 30, 2024 was accepted as submitted.
General Account $7,932.77
Fund Account $1,756.92 - Interest Groups
Joan Flax said that the first dinner will be this Saturday.
Great Decisions
Dorothy Edwards announced the next meeting is October 23 at 1:30 pm at her house.
Cover to Cover
Thea Siegel announced the next book is Covenant of Water. The next meeting is November 14 at 1:00 pm.
- Reports
Public Policy
Sondra reminded the audience that California AAUW has taken a support position on California ballot propositions 2, 3, 4 and 32 and encouraged members to vote YES on those measures.
Harriet reminded everyone of the dine-out fundraiser for the Fund at Hof’s Hut in Seal Beach on October 22.
Edna Ethington distributed copies of the winter edition of La Palma Mosaic magazine to various members.
Falcon’s Nest at Cerritos Community College
Harriet went over the “wish list” for Falcon’s Nest and will put it in the November branch newsletter.
- Announcements
Tobi Balma told about a program on Project 2025 that will be available on Zoom on October 22 through California AAUW.
Joan Flax reminded members about her jewelry sale on Nov. 9 at her home with a percentage of sales being given to the AAUW Fund.
Cathy Niederman said that the branch holiday party will be Dec. 14 at 7 pm at her and Charlie’s home. Guests are to bring an appetizer or dessert and any desired alcoholic beverage. Other beverages will be provided.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, November 21, at the Cabrillo Lane Adult School auditorium with social gathering at 6:30 pm and the meeting beginning at 7:00 pm. Esther Aronson, meeting facilitator, announced that the speaker will be a person from JQueer, a support organization. The speaker is a social worker.
- Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 pm.
Celia Spitzer, Acting Secretary
Note: These minutes have not yet been approved.
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La Palma-Cerritos AAUW
General/Planning Meeting Minutes
May 16, 2024
- Call to order
Co-Administrator Joan Pylman called the meeting to order in the auditorium of the ABC Unified School District Cabrillo Lane Adult School site at 7:00 pm.
Attendance: 20
- Business Meeting
Joan invited members to share a piece of good news while donating $1 to the AAUW Fund – via our Brag Box – for each announcement. Then Co-Administrator Gail Ross announced the May and June birthdays of our branch members and provided cupcakes for each birthday honoree.
- The Minutes for the March 21 and April 18 General Meetings were passed around on a clipboard and read. Three signatures were obtained to approve the Minutes as submitted.
- The Treasurer’s Reports dated April 30, 2024 were accepted as submitted.
General Account $9,198.89
Fund Account $1,732.92
- Reports
New Officers – The new elected branch officers were announced for this coming year. Appointed officers and support members were confirmed, and in some cases, volunteers were requested.
BRANCH OFFICERS for 2024-2025
Elected Officers
Administrator: Harriet Moses
Secretary: Chris Taxier
Treasurer: Marilyn Forsstrom
Appointed Officers
Membership/ Greeter: OPEN
AAUW Fund: Sue Solomon
Public Policy: Sondra Cohen
By-laws: Marilyn Forsstrom
College/University: Tobi Balma
Academic Achievement Awards: Joan Pylman
International Interests: Jackie Shahzadi
Bulletin/Website: Marilyn Forsstrom
Hospitality: Ceci Borja-VanZitter (pending acceptance)
Telephone Tree: Sue Carruthers/ Pat McClelland
Historian: Pat McClelland
Interest Groups
Cover to Cover: Thea Siegel
Readers Theater: Esther Aronson
Gourmet: Joan Flax and Celia Spitzer
Great Decisions: Dorothy Edwards
Results of Recent National Election – The new national AAUW officers were announced. The proposed changes to the National Bylaws to open membership to non-university graduates did not pass. It failed by only 1% of the vote.
Fund – Tobi Balma reported that our branch contributed $2,000 to the National Fund. Jackie Shahzadi recently donated $300 to the Fund (for the Greatest Needs). Tobi then challenged our members to match her donation.
- Planning Session for 2024-2025
First, we reviewed the calendar and general meeting schedule for next year. We filled in programs or activities which were already planned in various months and who would be the facilitators. This left four months for which programs needed to be determined.
Members brainstormed ideas in small groups. Then each group reported their top ideas which were listed on easel paper. The idea lists were then posted across a wall. Each member voted for their top choices for programs using sticky dots. The top four program ideas and facilitator volunteers were: 1) LGBTQ information session (Esther Aronson), 2) Jodi Balma as a speaker – follow-up to November Elections (Faith Herschler), 3) Jeopardy-style Game Show with Famous Women (Jackie Shahzadi), and 4) Game Night (Thea Siegel).
September 19, 2024 Potluck – Ethnic dishes preferred (Celia Spitzer)
October 17, 2024 League of Women Voters on Propositions (Need Facilitator)
November 21, 2024 LGBTQ Information (Esther Aronson)
December 2024 – TBD Holiday Party (Cathy Niederman?)
January 16, 2025 Jodi Balma to speak on after-election issues (Faith Herschler)
February 2025 – TBD Fund Luncheon
March 20, 2025 Jeopardy-style Game Show on Famous Women (?)
April 17, 2025 Branch Election; Game Night (Thea Siegel)
May 15, 2025 Academic Achievement Awards Ceremony (Joan Pylman)
June 2025 – TBD Installation
Some other ideas which were presented were:
- Favorite dishes to be shared at our potluck/ International Potluck – per Saurabh D. This could be done at September’s General Meeting or used for Gourmet.
- Acquire a new community outreach project like Su Casa (which ended) or like Falcon’s Nest (maybe continue this more robustly). This would be an ongoing project.
- Plan a travel event together as a branch, as a fundraising event – per Gail Ross
- Announcements
The memorial for Diane Hudson will take place on Sunday, June 9 at 1:00 pm in Huntington Beach.
The installation of new officers will take place on Tuesday, June 11 at 11:30 am at Panda Inn in La Palma. Please notify Gail Ross of your menu item selection.
- Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Taxier, Secretary